Daily schedule:
- Start the Day 5am (make sure you go to bed early the night before)
- Wim Hof -Find a quiet spot and do the Wim Hof breathing method, it helps increase oxygen levels, alkalizes your blood and releases endorphins. After completing a round your whole body starts to have a tingling sensation and by the end of doing 3 or 4 rounds you feel a complete sense of calm and clarity, ideas start to flow and you feel completely energized. For more info check out https://www.wimhofmethod.com/ or another great interview to watch is Wim Hof & Russel Brand https://youtu.be/JPPlicAEFec this interview really helped me to understand Wim Hof and got me started. You can also find free guided breathing rounds on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=g_jAjpZz-5Y
- 20 Minutes Writing -Follow this with 20 minutes of writing either writing about what your grateful for or setting your intentions for the day creating the life that you want.
- Read 20 mins of a motivational book, ie. “Think and Grow Rich” (Napolean Hill), “The power of now” (Eckart Tolle), “The Voice of Knowledge” (Don Miguel Ruiz), “The Power of Purpose” (John O’Brien and Andrew Cave), “Becoming Supernatural” (Dr. Joe Dispenza)
- 20 Minutes Exercise – Do 20 minutes of exercise to get your body moving for the day, it doesn’t have to be too strenuous – just get your body moving! eg. go for a run/walk, pilates/yoga, strength/weight training etc.
- Breakfast Smoothie – Start the day by fueling your body with the right foods. A smoothie is a great way and super easy to get as many fruit and vegetables into your diet as you desire. You can also add EECo’s Daily Superfood Blend to really pump up the nutrition.
- Cold Shower – Follow the Wim Hof Method and have a cold shower, you will be completely buzzing.
- Get Dressed – Dress in clothes that make you feel uplifted and empowered. When you look good and feel good, other people will feel good too.
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